3D Script : Blender - Render in Background

Publié le par orfvz

Voici un script que j'ai fait pour Blender qui permet de lancer des rendus en arrière plan.
Il utilise le gnome-terminal pour rendre une image ou une animation.
Ceci permet de :
  • continuer à travailler sur Blender lorsque l'on fait ses rendus.
  • faire des rendus plus rapidement (ça 'devrait' aller plus rapidement, je n'ai pas fait de test...)
  • ne pas se prendre la tête et à chercher sur le net pour savoir les commandes et les arguments à mettre dans la console pour lancer un rendu en arrière plan (c'est pourquoi j'ai fait ce script)
Blender peut-être fermé, du moment que le gnome-terminal reste ouvert, le rendu continuera.
Donc pour cette version du script, le gnome-terminal doit être installé.
Je n'ai testé ce script que sur Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex 64 bits, je ne sais absolument pas s'il marchera sur d'autres OS.
(Séléctionnez le script et 'ctrl+c' pour copier le script)

This is a script made for Blender. It opens a the gnome-terminal for render an image or an animation in background.
This allow you to :
    - continue work in Blender when you render.
    - rendering more fast (it should rendering more fast, i didn't do any test...)
    - don't think and search the commands and arguments to put in the terminal for launch a render in background (it why i made that script)
Blender can be closed, since the gnome-terminal is still open the render will continue.
So for this version of this script, gnome-terminal must be installed.
The script work on my Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 64 bits, i don't know at all if it will work on other OS.

(select the script and make ctrl+c for copy it)

Name: 'Render in Background'
Blender: 248
Group: 'Render'
Tooltip: 'Make render in background (work with gnome-terminal)'
__author__ = "Orfvz"
__url__ = ['http://www.orfvz.com', 'http://blenderclan.tuxfamily.org', 'blenderartists.org']
__version__ = "0.1"
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script open a the gnome-terminal for render an image or an animation in background.
This allow you to :
    - continue work in Blender when you render.
    - rendering more fast (it should rendering more fast, i didn't do any test...)
    - don't think and search the commands and arguments to put in the terminal for launch a render in background (it why i made that script)
Blender can be closed, since the gnome-terminal is still open the render will continue.
So for this version of this script, gnome-terminal must be installed.
Can you help me make it work on any terminal ?
The script work on my Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 64 bits, i don't know at all if it will work on other os.
Can you help me make it work on any os ?
If your can improve it, dont hesitate.
To do :
 - Universal terminal
 - Make it work on all OS
 - Auto-center gui
# Created with The_Nerd's GUI creator V2.500000
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# RENDER BACKGROUND v 0.1 by Orfvz (http://www.orfvz.com, orfvz@orfvz.com)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To Do
# - Universal terminal
# - Make it work on all OS
# - Auto-center gui
# Importing modules
import Blender, os
from Blender import *
from Blender.BGL import *
# GUI - Made with The_Nerd's GUI creator V2.500000
EVENT_render_b = 10
EVENT_anim_b = 11
Object_render_b = Draw.Create(0.0)
Object_anim_b = Draw.Create(0.0)
def draw():
    global EVENT_render_b
    global EVENT_anim_b
    global Object_render_b
    global Object_anim_b
    BGL.glClearColor(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.0)
    BGL.glColor3f(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
    Object_render_b = Draw.Button("RENDER", EVENT_render_b, 8, 8, 76, 36, "Render the current frame in background.")
    Object_anim_b = Draw.Button("ANIM", EVENT_anim_b, 96, 8, 76, 36, "Render the animation in background.")
def event(event, value):
    _Input_Events_Callback(event, value)
def b_event(event):
    global EVENT_render_b
    global EVENT_anim_b
    global Object_render_b
    global Object_anim_b
    if event == 0: pass
    elif event == EVENT_render_b:
    elif event == EVENT_anim_b:
Draw.Register(draw, event, b_event)
##---Begin user code---
def _Input_Events_Callback(Event, Value):
    if Event == Draw.ESCKEY and not Value: Draw.Exit()
# Render an image
def render_b_Callback():
# Render an animation
def anim_b_Callback():
# Send the command to the gnome terminal
def lance_commande(anim):
    # Create a .blend file with your current work in your Temporary directory
    B_BLEND = str(Get('tempdir'))+'/backgroundrender.blend'
    Save(B_BLEND, 1)
    # Create the command for send to the gnome-terminal.
    # First case for the command for an animation, second for a simple frame.
    # The command finish by a 'rm' for delete the .blend file created before.
    if (anim):
        START_FRAME = str(Get('staframe'))
        END_FRAME = str(Get('endframe'))
        commande = 'setsid gnome-terminal -e "blender -b '+B_BLEND+' -s '+START_FRAME+' -e '+END_FRAME+' -a" && rm '+B_BLEND+' &'
        # I have tried replace gnome-terminal by $TERM. It opens xterm on my computer, but xterm open a new instance of Blender...so the command cant work
        # commande = 'setsid $TERM -e "blender -b '+B_BLEND+' -s '+START_FRAME+' -e '+END_FRAME+' -a" && rm '+B_BLEND+' &'
    else :
        CURENT_IMAGE= str(Get('curframe'))
        commande = 'setsid gnome-terminal -e "blender -b '+B_BLEND+' -f '+CURENT_IMAGE+'" && rm '+B_BLEND+' &'
        # commande = 'setsid $TERM -e "blender -b '+B_BLEND+' -f '+CURENT_IMAGE+'" && rm '+B_BLEND+' &'
    # Send the command to the os

Publié dans 3D

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